Saturday 29 June 2013

Scary Picture

I made this picture also on Gimp 2.6. I decided to make a scary one because i watched a Halloween themed gimp 2.6 tutorials on YouTube and i decided to make one but in my own version so I went for a quite simple look. This is the first picture because I forgot to paint the claws so the next picture will have them coloured. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Here is the link:

ah! thats better! :D

My Cow Picture

I drew this picture on Gimp 2.6, with my mouse. I just started with Gimp and my brother told me to just start with something simple so I drew this. I am quite pleased because I am literally very bad at drawing on the computer. My next challenge is scanning a drawn picture from paper onto gimp or photoshop and colour it in that way.This might take a while but I will still upload posts and videos on how to draw and stuff, and about what i do on Gimp. So I hope you enjoyed my first post and I wish that you will come back and enjoy my other post and by the way I don't want to make this a really dead and boring site so i will liven it up with videos and slideshows. :)  OH! AND THE SPOT CAME ON ACCIDENTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!